Having the work of the past few months (and years) out of the studio and on display - is a great relief and a real inspiration. Long before this show made it up, I realized that some of the big ideas I'd had when we scheduled it would have to wait until "next time". And now, at least in my studio, it is next time. Now is the moment. I am delighted!
This weekend I cleaned out flat files, sorted a beautiful collection of rice and cotton papers, and began to play with transparent water-based printing inks. I also uncovered a large porcelain sculpture and carved and incised. With no show scheduled or planned anytime soon, I relish the short breaks in my teaching schedule as quiet and reflective free time. I do have a few small commissions and orders to fill, several things planned for consignment, but I also have new materials and ideas to pursue that don't have destinations.
Teaching has begun to feed my soul in unexpected ways. The questions students have inspire my own curiosity to push further into explorations of media, materials, ideas. The classroom is a community of artists, and I enjoy being one of them. I want to give them all the information I can find and then some. And in giving, I receive. I am a student at heart, and I grow.
Our exhibit is a 2-person show, curated by SPACE's Debra Zumstein, and my work hangs alongside the lovely photographs of Sam Norgard's dress installations that she makes of natural materials. They are exquisite. I am honored to be paired with her. It is uncanny and beautiful the way each pairing fits together in harmonious color and texture and shape, like perfect dance partners. What a wonderful way to meet another artist!
We are giving a Gallery Talk next month. I look forward to getting to know Sam. I look forward to teaching Printmaking and Ceramics and Drawing. I look forward to quiet moments in my studio. Now.
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