Ten or so years ago, feeling insulted and furious, I slashed this painting in half!!! (Aren't all artists supposed to do this once in a while? - NO.) My professor had given me the pre-stretched linen canvas, which I took as a great compliment demanding my most excellent attention: I painted a still life of fresh beets and clay figures. Then I ruint it with phthalo blue and sat it aside. After the slashing, instead of burning it, I put away the two halves. Then last year, in some quest for healing from the insult and low self-esteem of earlier years, I sewed them together with red and gold thread....Not finished, and still inclined to melodrama, I made a metaphor of pain and sacrifice (and pretty radiating lines) with gold nails.....Yesterday, in time for Christmas and as part of general studio clean-up, I began the laborious task of taking out the nails....It's time for the Beet Ladies to have some peace. Enough about sacrifice and stitching. More about the veggies. Happy veggies to all, and to all a good night!
I'm glad you saved the two parts to a painting and mended them after all these years. Insults are very much like scars. I think the nails are perfect.
Hi again!
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PS You've got a lovely start to blogging...keep it up! (Hint!)
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